Ilaria and Lala together with Mother Katja from their visit in September 2017

Ilaria and Lala together with Mother Katja from their visit in September 2017

Ilaria and Lala together with Nikki on their visit with us in September, lovely to see both again Lala has become so beautiful and skilled in search Ilaria made a demo. it was a pleasure to see a FT goldens could do such a job very sure and thoroughly she has been well trained Ilaria has done a great job

Ilaria and Lala together with Nikki on their visit with us in September, lovely to see both again Lala has become so beautiful and skilled in search Ilaria made a demo. it was a pleasure to see a FT goldens could do such a job very sure and thoroughly she has been well trained Ilaria has done a great job

One of our puppies Lala who are training for rescue dog by IRO Lala is from our litter 2015
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One of our puppies Lala who are training for rescue dog by IRO Lala is from our litter 2015
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There is not only Denmark which has mermaids Italy has two

Lala and Ilaria visiting a kindergarten where they teach to be a rescue dog

This is Lala's life she lives just a stone's throw from the beach are you envious's just a little ik!

Lala under træning

Yes beautiful it can not be focused Lala

Evening by Senigallia

Ilaria and Lala at a training seminar in Slovenia with IRO Dream Team

Seneste kommentarer

05.11 | 09:37

Kære Karl Poulsen
Vi er en familie på 3 , som gerne vil have hund igen.
Vi vil spørge om i har planer om hvalpe i foråret 2023 ?
Og om vi kunne komme i betragtning, mvh Mette Krogsgaard

31.08 | 07:55

Hvornår forventer i at få hvalpene

MVH. Lene Hansen

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